Why Interprofessional Education?There is a growing emphasis on interprofessional education in healthcare as knowledge sharing, coordination of efforts and increased interaction are deemed critical to improved patient outcomes. CED emphasizes, whenever possible, a collaborative 'by the team, for the team' approach to activity design, and is proud to be among the early providers granted Joint Accreditation status as a result of our past, present and future activities.
Joint Accreditation offers the opportunity to simultaneously offer accredited activities that meet the educational needs of pharmacists, nurses and physicians, and in a format that facilitates collaborative learning. |
What is Interprofessional Education?
IPE Core Competencies"Currently, the transformation of health professions education is attracting widespread interest. The transformation envisioned would enable opportunities for health professions students to engage in interactive learning with those outside their profession as a routine part of their education. The goal of this interprofessional learning is to prepare all health professions for deliberatively working together with the common goal of building a safer and better patient-centered and community/population oriented U.S. health care system."
- IPE Collaborative Expert Panel Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel. Washington, D.C.: Interprofessional Education Collaborative. |